TheRRSIC is an exciting and inspiring space. A spacewhere staff and students learn, collaborate, becomeinspired and grow their scientific knowledge aboutNew ˴Ƭand the world.
Ernest Rutherford
Named forErnest, Lord Rutherford, fatherof nuclear physics and UC’smost famous alumnus, the Ernest Rutherford building isone of the only buildings inAustralasia that combinesmultiple science disciplines inone space. With 20,000 squaremetres of floor space,it houses teaching andresearch laboratories forphysics, astronomy, chemistry,geological sciences, geographyand biological sciences.
Completed in 2018, the buildingwas purposefully designed to encourage innovation and support flexible learning and teaching methods, with key features including:
- state-of-the-art laboratories
- UAV/drone room
- 3D medical imaging
- cloud chamber
- radioactivity lab
- superconduction magnet lab
- herbarium
- informal social and study spaces.
Cultural themes have beeninterwoven into the building,and the many communal spacespromote interaction, withhospitable entrancesable to accommodate eventsand welcome in students, staffand visitors.
Beatrice Tinsley
The Beatrice Tinsley buildingwas opened in October 2019.Itconnects to both the ErnestRutherford building and theJulius von Haast building,where theSchool of BiologicalSciences Te Kura Pūtaiao Koiorois located.
Beatrice Tinsleywas a UC science graduateand renowned astrophysicistwhose research madesubstantial contributions to ourunderstanding of the evolutionof galaxies.